Rock Solid Faith
Rock solid Faith has been written for adult learning, but can be adapted to all age levels through the tailoring of the teacher.
We have had students join the class from 9 years old to over 90 years old and each were
absorbing the truth that will firm their foundation in Jesus.
My name is Micheal Spencer and I have the honor of serving in full time ministry in the
Kingdom of God since 1987. I’ve also been ministering as a Sr. Pastor for 30 years raising up generations of men and woman to fulfill God’s purposes for their lives.
Passionate to know Christ and to grasp the principles of the Word of God, I earned two
Doctorates that enhanced my understanding for the need of the local believers to be
intentional learners.
Truth: A Rock Solid Faith was written for the local church to establish Christians in their
walk with Jesus so that they do not have to be ‘blown around by every wind of doctrine.’
The Church has been called to disciple the saints as is seen in Acts 2:42,
‘And they continued steadfastly in the Apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers…
Main Message and Purpose
1 Timothy 6:3
If anyone teaches a different doctrine and does not agree with the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the teaching that accords with godliness...
Paul stressed to Timothy to disciple and establish the saints in rock solid doctrine so the enemy will not be able to deceive them.
Rock Solid Faith is a course that establishes sound doctrine of what the Word declares, but also covers doctrines of what others believe for an understanding on how to minister, as well as stand firmly when challenged. Another benefit of Rock Solid Faith is that it creates workers in the Kingdom as each believer is taught how they fit with the gifts Holy Spirits gives them to accomplish their purpose on the Earth.
Why is it so valuable?
The Word says that in the last days even the elect will be deceived (Matt. 24:24).
The church must be equipped for the work of the ministry, bring them to unity, and bring the church to maturity (Eph. 4:11-20), so they are not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.
The value is simple: Establish and disciple the body of Christ so as tribulations and persecution comes, they will have the Word firmly etched in their hearts so they do not walk away from their faith.
At His Tabernacle all campuses are required to use the Rock Solid Faith training material
in their discipleship program. After teaching it for 20 years, and then penning the book,
it has proven itself as the main establisher of consistency, and continuity of understanding God’s truth that creates a sure foundation for each believer.
On the main campus in Horseheads it is taught by me, personally, every Thursday evening at 7pm.
Rock Solid Faith is accessible through:
ï‚·Livestream teaching every Thursday evening 7pm (ET)
ï‚·His Tabernacle Facebook page
ï‚·His Tabernacle YouTube page
Rock Solid Faith Curriculum Books are also for sale for churches to teach in a
Class or small groups setting.
ï‚·Bundles for churches are available with 10 books, and the video or mp3 links so one could teach or facilitate the course.The books can be ordered by calling our ministry office or ordered through Amazon books.
Thank you for your interest and investing in these resources. I know they will change lives here and have an eternal value for all those who apply them.
Dr. Micheal J. Spencer